Thursday, 10 March 2011

Up in the clouds...

So this morning we left Baños for Cuenca at about 12.30, arriving in Riobamba at about 14.30. But the next bus to Cuenca was at 19.30 and we would have arrived at 1.30 am. So we decided to take the bus to Alausi which is almost half way and spend the night here.  It's a nice little town at about 2.5 km up. It's right in the clouds and as night falls the clouds roll in so fast, it's so pretty. We walked around a little bit and found a humongous statue of San Pedro over looking the town. I can really feel the altitude here as we went up from about 900 m to 2.5 km in 24 hours. I'm really tired and breathless. We're going to eat something and probably go chill in the hostal. We even have a tv in our room!

I forgot to say that last night after the hike up to the Bella Vista, Liv and I had a full body massage including hot compresses and a facial, lasting 70 minutes, and only for 20 $ each. It was amazing and we deserved it after 3 weeks in the jungle!


Alors, hier Liv, Chad et moi, nous avons quitte la jungle pour la suite de nos aventures. Notre derniere journee a Arutam etait plus ou moins sympas. On a travaille avec Timoteo, un des 702 frangins d'Enrique. Timoteo est le medecin de la communaute. Quand quelqu'un est malade il prepare un the a base de plantes de son jardin. Pourtant quand Timoteo est malade, il va a la pharmacie!
La matinee s'est deroulee dans le champ de mais, ou Liv et moi nous sommes cachee dans le champ pour ne pas travailler. On a trouve une chenille qu'on a surnomme Bruce et on lui a construit une petite cabanne en terre pour pas qu'il ai froid! Timoteo a fini par nous trouver et nous a dit qu'on n'avait pas fait un bon travail et on a du tout recommencer!
L'apres-midi, on a cueilli quelques plantes dans la jungle qu'on a replante dans le jardin medicinal de Timoteo. On a trouve des plantes qui si j'ai bien compris attenuent les douleures des regles ainsi qu'une plante soit disant contraceptive! On a aussi trouve un sorte de champignon tout blanc qui s'elumine apparement la nuit!
On a quitte Arutam, mardi matin et on est arrive a Baños pour le dejeuner. On a mange dans le marche central de Baños, j'ai pris un almuerzo a 2$ : une soupe au poulet, riz, pomme de terre, salade, viande et une boisson. Ensuite on a marche jusqu'a la Bella Vista au sud de Baños. C'est seulement a 1 km, mais la marche est tellement en pente que c'est super fatiguant! La vue de la Bella Vista est superbe. On a continue notre marche en direction de Runtun. Pendant la route, une dame nous a invite dans sa voiture, direction Casa del Arbol (2660m). C'etait merveilleux la haut, en plein dans les nuages! Malheureusement, on n'a pas pu voir le volcan Tungurahua car il y avait trop de nuages. On a bu une biere et mange du mais avant de commencer a descendre a pied. A mis chemin, on a arrete une petite camionette pour nous emmener a Baños, il y avait aussi une famille ecuadorienne qui faisait pareil. Et on a pu voir pendant une petite seconde le volcan quand le ciel s'est degage!
Le soir, Liv et moi, on a eu un massage du corps et du visage! 70 minutes au paradis pour seulement 20$! C'etait ... super! Apres 3 semaines dans la jungle, on en avait vraiment besoin!

Ce matin on a quitte Baños, en direction de Cuenca. Il a fallu change de bus a Riobamba, ou on s'est rendu compte que le prochain bus pour Cuenca serait trop tard. Du coup, on a pris un bus pour Alausi ou on va passer la nuit et on ira a Cuenca demain matin. C'est un belle petite ville, tres calme. On s'est promene un peu et on a trouve un enorme statue de San Pedro au dessus de la ville ainsi qu'une jolie petite eglise. Quand la nuit commence a tombe, les nuages arrivent dans la ville vachement rapidement. C'est magnifique.

Je pense pas qu'on va faire grand chose ce soir car on est creve. On est monte de 900 m a environ 2.5 km en 24 heures et on sent vraiment l'alitude...



  1. It's gone 9 and I need to go to work!!I say need because travelling through S.A. doesn't come cheap! (Joke or should I say lol, its cooler!).
    I haven't had time to google Almuerzo, Riobamba or Alausi, but don't worry...I'll do it.
    Good to know that San Pedro looks over you...Just order a San Miguel to keep him company.
    TV in you room?? Is it a real one or a picture of the Tungurahua Volcano?
    Just off to have a massage...Full body, £200, with Felipe the masseur...Philippa could do it but wanted £400!! lol
    Big bisous.

  2. 9:20 and you're still at home, seriously?! lol

    Have fun in Alausi & Cuenca Angélique xx

  3. ...Emma-Jane, I thought you were fluent in Spanish! Almuerzo simply means lunch, ie in this case a meal including a drink...
    ...9.20 and still at home, hey what a life!!
    ...Angélique for your benefit and Claire's of course...
    Loja, real name Ciudad de la Immaculada Conceptión de Loja, 180,000 people plus...So a big city, famous for its afternoon rainbows; a city for music lovers with scores of music and salsa clubs...5 museums and plenty of monuments, and a lot of public artwork (frescoes).
    ...Trujillo, Peru...This is a big city with more than 800,000 inhabitants. It is known as "the City of Eternal Spring". Sadly there is a lot of crime and it is the most dangerous city in Peru. Be very careful if you get there.
    The beach you mentioned on the phone is Huanchaco, a world famous surfers' paradise...Knowing you and having seen the Swing and the Swing Jump, you probably want to try it! Please, don't. The tsunami should reach the Peruvian coast between 7 and 8 Friday evening, your time. Luckily it should be a lot weaker...
    There is plenty to see and lots of restaurants with some most appealing specialities...
    "Shambar", a soup made from various meat and served on Mondays for whatever reason, "Ceviche", a seafood dish, "Sopa teologa" for the catholics only of me, they know their stuff, and finally "Cabrito", as the name suggest young goat...It all sounds fantastic...I am on the next flight!

    Please take plenty of pictures. I hope that you managed to get your camera fixed! Or go an buy another one.
    Hasta luego from me and my mate Wiki.

  4. merci papa for being my back up guide.

    The ecuador and peruvian cost is closed tonight (friday) and not sure for how long.. we were planning to go into peru on the boarder but if its not possible by sunday we´ll have to go through another boarder called la balsa. which is a hassle as its much longer.

    papa please keep me updated by email or call me when you can!

  5. I think you'll be ok by Sunday to go through to Peru on the coastline xx

  6. All this information on SA is very interesting - It almost feels like I am there which is much cheaper then paying for the flight myself ;)

    Glad to hear through your FB updates that the Tsunami warnings were called off and you are all safe... scary stuff - I'm slightly behind on your updates so am sure I will hear more about all of these developments as I read on :) xx
