Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Cañon del Colca...

So Monday morning, we woke up at 2.30 am, after only a couple hourse of sleep, to go to the Colca Cañon. We were picked up at about 3.30 am by a very uncomfortable mini van. We drove for about 3 hours to Chivay, where we were given breakfast and then continued towards the Cañon. We stop at the Mirador de la Cruz del Condor for about 40 minutes to view condors. We managed to see a few flying around. They are really beautiful and huge! I believe their wing span is about 3 metres. We then drove a little bit further and we started our trek down the Cañon del Colca!
From the top we could see the bottom and the little oasis/resort we would stay at that night! It was a long way down! Our guide told us it would take 3 hours to the bridge at the bottom and then 30 minutes to the next village where we would have lunch. It only took us 2 hours to get to the bridge! It was a nice trek down.. it would be, right? Downhill! The views are amazing. But to be honest, it´s not what I expected for a canyon. I was expect 2 huge cliff type things and a huge drop down the center. It´s more like lots of moutains and a valley in the middle. So we arrived in the little village and at what I think was somebody´s house. We had soup and then rice and alpaca. It was very nice!
We continued on for what seemed like forever towards the oasis. It took us about 2 hours to get there and we arrived about 4pm. On the way we went through a small village where children jumped on us asking for sweets! Some parts of the trail was right on the edge of the moutain.. one wrong step and bye bye!!!
Once we arrived at the resort, it was heaven.. Although it was pretty basic.. hard beds, no electricity. But hey, it´s second nature for me after living in the jungle for 3 weeks! It looked absolutely amazing with the mountains all around. We went in the swiming pool and ate mangos from the tree. Miam Miam!
We were then given dinner around a candle.. Soup, spaghetti and coca tea! And then we were straight to bed at 8.30!
The boys were in on room and the girls in another. Liv and I pulled our beds together in the middle of the room because there were bugs everywhere! And it was a mud house so we were kind of freaked out! The boys thought it was quite funny as we had lived in the jungle and assumed we would be used to all the creepy crawlies and stuff!
This morning we woke up at 5 am and started the hike up at 5.20! On empty stomachs!!! It was a loooong way up! I thought it would never end! But it took us 2 hours to walk 5 km and go about 2 km up. We were some of the first up after Sean who is a freaking machine and arrived in 1 h and 20 minutes!
Then we walked over to Cabanaconde (3287 m) for breakfast! Eggs have never tasted so good!!!
We were then picked up by a very luxurious and confortable mini van and drove to the hot springs near Chivay. It was ridiculously hot already and the springs were boiling too! But we got to sunbath for a little bit which was really nice.
We then drove some more to the highest point in the area which is 4910 m! It was amazing! We even raced down the road to see what the effects of the altitude would have on us! We were very out of breath! Then we had lunch in Chivay and we were on our way back to Arequipa. We arrived back around 4.30 pm.
My whole body is aching!! I better be buff at the end of this trip!!
I must go because I am being draged into the bar to play that giant jenga game again! I´ve already been running back and forth for my turn and had 3 shots for taking a piece too quickly, taking too long to go to the room and dropping my piece!!!
Will write back soon!!
Miss you all terribly!

Monday, 28 March 2011

Arequipa and preparing for 2 days in the Colca Cañon! Hum hum ...

My last night in Cusco was... a sight! Must I say more.. after a few... hum hum... drinks and dancing in Loki bar, I slept for a few hours and saturday was spent in the chocolate factory, which was more a museum than anything else and walking around town. We got the night bus to Arequipa, with Michael, Sean and Omer, with Flores bus company. It´s a cheaper company and well.. I guess it was pretty obvious because my chair was able to lay back but just woudn´t stay down! Unless I layed on it or if the road was smooth, which it wasn´t, as I think the bus driver took a side road through the Andes.. the chair would flip back up! I lost count of how many times I was awoken by my chair flipping me forward! We arrived in Arequipa this morning at 7 am and checked into The Point hostel. Then we met up with Chad and Helen, our jungle amigos. We went for lunch in beautiful Arequipa. I had potatoes and a stuffed peper which was freaking spicy! But yummy! Then Liv and I went to the Monastry Santa Clara. It´s an old convent which is basically a city within a city. Novice nuns would be housed there from the age of 13 to to 17, without leaving, then they would become nuns. There are houses and streets inside too. It is really beautiful, with terracota, white and blue walls. We then met back up at the hostal with all of the above and yet more Australians, for drinks and dinner. And we just played a funny game of Jenga with brick sized pieces. And if you make the slightest mistake, like taking too long or putting your knee on the ground, you have to take a shot! I took 4! Well I was supposed to! I really only took 2! And if you knock the tower down you have to pay for your shots, which are 5soles each! Poor Helen lost!! I can hear them in the next room.. in the time I´ve been writing the tower has fallen at least 3 times!! Ai Ai Ai!
Tomorrow, morning we are being picked up at 3 am for our 2 day trek in the Colca Cañon! And when we return, we are thinking about climbing El Misti volcano (5825)... it´s very difficult to climb apparently so I´m still in 2 minds about it! Also Livy is not sure she wants to do it and I really want to keep travelling with her...
Any suggestions...?

Friday, 25 March 2011

Pictures of Machu Picchu..

Buying the train tickets to Aguas Caliente

View of the ruins and Waynu Picchu, from the entrance

Me in awe over Waynu Picchu!!!

Liv and I

What? If I fall, I may die?

On the summit of Waynu Picchu!

The ruins and Machu Picchu

Very happy that Mickael gave us his can of tuna!!

The ruins and Waynu Picchu


Panoramic of the ruins and Waynu Picchu!

Photos of Cuzco, Pisac and Ollantaytambo

Landslide on the way to Cuzco

Panoramic view of Cuzco from our hostal

Streets in Cuzco

Dried llama feotuses!

Peruvian woman, who asked us for money for taking a picture of them!

Streets in Cuzco

Drinking Inka Kola!

San Pedro Market

Panoramic of the Plaza de Armas from a cafe balcony

Ready for our trip to the ruins around Cuzco


Llama and me!

Saqsaywaman. No not Sexy woman!





Coca tea!

Pisac Market

Pisac main square

Liv and her friend at the bus stop!

Ollantaytambo ruins

Ollantaytambo ruins

Hier, je suis allee au Paradis!

Jeudi matin, apres un enorme petit-dejeuner d'oeuf, pain, confiture, beurre, crepes au miel, jus d'orange et the de feuilles de coca, on est alle a Ollantaytambo. On a pris un mini bus a Urubamba et ensuite on a partage un taxi avec un dizaine de personnes pour aller a Ollantaytambo. Le conducteur du taxi a renverse un chien et il y avait un homme qui ressemblait beaucoup a Jesus avec la peau matte!
Ollantaytambo (2792m) est une tres belle ville, beaucoup plus jolie que Pisac d'ailleurs. Apparement, ce sont les Incas qui ont construit la ville et les maisons sont faites en pierre. C'est tres jolie! On a visite les ruines qui sont magnifiques. C'est une serie de terraces sur une grande coline. C'est dure a decrire donc je mettrais des photos pour que vous puissiez voir!
En marchant dans les ruines, on pouvait entendre de la musique, donc on a suivi le son et devinez qui on a trouve? Jesus! Il etait assis a cote d'une petite maison et jouait sa guitare! C'etait tres drole donc je l'ai filme et on a parle un peu. Parait que c'est pas vraiment Jesus et qu'il s'appelle Carlos! Il est musicien et aime prendre l'ayahuasca et San Pedro. Se sont 2 plantes hallucogenes. Il a meme facebook et m'a demande de lui envoyer la video que j'ai prise ainsi que quelques photos que j'ai prise de lui!
Avant d'aller aux ruines, on est alle acheter le billet de train pour aller a Aguas Caliente ou Machu Picchu Pueblo. La gare est tellement loin de Ollantaytambo! Et c'etait tellement cher! 190 soles pour un allez-retour! Le train etait prevu pour 19.33 mais quelle surprise! Des pierres sont tombees sur les rails et il a fallu attendre 2 heures avant qu'on ne puisse partir. On est arrive a Aguas Caliente vers minuit et on est rest dans un hotel qui pue mais tres peu cher! On a meme demande a la dame de l'hostal de nous reveiller a 4.30 du matin parce qu'on n'avait pas de reveil, mais elle a oublie! Heureusement, je me suis reveillee vers 5 heure! On s'est preparee et on est allee a l'arret de bus ou on a appris que le billet alle-retour serait 43 soles! Pour un trajet de 40 minutes pour y aller et retour! Il a aussi fallu qu'on retourne a la place principale pour acheter le billet pour entrer dans le Machu Picchu! Le billet a coute 126 soles!! J'etais tres enervee parce que je pensais qu'on ne pourrait pas grimper le Waynu Picchu, car seulement les 400 premiers peuvent le faire! Donc on a pris le bus et on a reussi a avoir un ticket pour Waynu Picchu. Ensuite on est entre dans le site et la... j'etais au Paradis!! Les photos que j'avais vu auparavant sont devenues reelles et je me suis rendue compte que j'etais au Machu Picchu! On est alle direct au Waynu Picchu! Que c'etait dur de monter! Ca nous a pris que 45 minutes mais la montee etait vachement raide! Une fois en haut... WOW! C'etait vachement nuageux pour commencer mais ca s'est vite degage et on pouvait voir les ruines et le Machu Picchu! Magnifique! C'est impossible de decrire, il faut vraiment y etre! Je mettrais des photos!
La prochaine fois qu'on fait quelque chose comme ca, faudra qu'on se rappelle d'ammener a manger et a boire, parce qu'on a betement oublie! Mais rien ne s'est passe, on est encore en vie! Biensur!
Apres un long moment au sommet de Waynu Picchu, on a commence la descente et on a rencontre Mickael et Sean dans le chemin. Ils sont montes et on a continue notre marche en direction des cavernes, qui n'etaient pas ce que je pensais. Remarque on n'est pas alle tres loin, parce qu'on etait 'legerement' CREVEE. On a seulement vu le Temple de la Lune, donc je ne sais pas s'il y avait plus ou pas! On a repris notre marche en direction des ruines et on voit arriver Mickael et Sean! Avec de l'eau!!!!
Une fois aux ruines, les garcons sont alles visiter de leur cote et Liv et moi on est alle manger dans le restaurant, tres cher, de Machu Picchu! 46 soles! 46 soles pour un hamburger, un coca et une glace!! Ca me fait toujours mal au coeur rien que d'y penser! Mais on avait tellement faim!!
On est retourne vers les ruines qui sont biensur magnifiques! C'est fou de voir qu'elles sont en si bonne condition et de penser que les Incas les ont construites il y a si longtemps! C'est vraiment tres beau! J'ai pris tellement de photos ainsi que la fameuse photo qu'on voit sur toutes les cartes postales! Pourquoi on se moque de moi quand je prends tant de photos!
Eventuellement et malheureusement, on a quitte les ruines vers 5 heures de l'apres midi, apres 11 heures la haut! On est retourne a Aguas Caliente, ou on est alle aux bains thermals avec les garcons.
Apres, on a mange (le service est affreux au Perou! C'est tellement lent!) et on est alle dormir parce qu'on etait crevee!! On etait trempee aussi parce qu'il avait plus donc on avait tres froid! Tout ce que je voulais c'etait mon lit, un duvet, des bonnes chaussettes, un bon film, et ma maman qui me fait du chocolat chaud! Est ce trop?

On est revenu a Cuzco aujourd'hui et demain soir on ira a Arequipa avec le bus de nuit et les garcons!

Today I went to heaven and back!

So Thursday morning, after a massive breakfast of fried eggs, bread, jam, butter, pancakes and honey, orange juice and coca tea, we made our way to Ollantaytambo. We got a mini bus to Urubamba where we got a combi (shared taxi) to Ollantaytambo. The driver ran over a dog on the way and a guy looking just like Jesus with tanned skin was in the van.
Ollantaytambo (2792 m) is an even nicer place than Pisac. It was apparently built by the Incas and the houses are built in stone. It´s really pretty. We visited the Ollantaytambo ruins which were amazing. They are many terraces built on a big hill. I can explain very well so I´ll put some pictures up soon, so you can see.
Whilst we were walking about the ruins, we could hear some music playing so we followed the sound and guess who we found? Jesus! He was sitting beside a small house playing his guitar. It was really funny so I filmed him playing and then we spoke to him for a bit. Turns out he´s not Jesus and his name is Carlos. He is a musician and likes to take Ayahuasca and San Pedro, which are hallucigenic plants. He even has facebook and asked me to send him the video I took of him, as well as some pictures of him posing with his guitar!
Before the ruins, we went to buy our train ticket with Peru Rail for Aguas Caliente or Machu Picchu Pueblo. The walk was far!! And it cost us 190 soles for a return ticket, which is about 50 pounds! Our train was scheduled to be at 19.33 but suprise suprise! There was a landslide and many rocks apparently fell on the tracks, so we only left at 21.45. We arrived in Aguas Caliente at about midnight and stayed in a very cheap and smelly hostal. We even asked the woman to wake us up at 4.30 am for Machu Picchu, because we didn´t have an alarm and she forgot!! Luckily I woke up at 5 am, so it wasn´t too bad.. We got ready and made our way down (in the rain!) to where the buses leave for Machu Picchu, only to find out it costs 43 soles (10 pounds) for a return ticket which only takes 20 minutes each way and that we had to run back to the main square to buy to ticket for Machu Picchu, which costs 126 soles (35 pounds)! I was really angry, firstly because I was tired and secondly because I thought we wouldn´t get a pass to climb Waynu Picchu (only the first 400 can climb it)! So we got the bus up to Machu Picchu and managed to get a pass for the climb! Then we entered the site and I was in heaven! The pictures came alive and I realized I was in freaking Machu Picchu!! We made our way straight the end of the site to climb Waynu Picchu first. Geez... it was a tough climb! It only took about 45 minutes but was very steep! Once at the top though... oh my god!  It was cloudy at first but the clouds cleared and we could see the ruins and Machu Picchu in the background! Amazing! I can´t even describe it, I´ll add pictures, but it´s really something you have to see and experience for yourself! Words simply can not describe how beautiful it is from up there!
Next time, I´ll remember to stock up on water and snacks, Liv and I stupidly didn´t bring anything with us! But we survived! Obviously!
Once we had taken in the breathtaking views from Waynu Picchu, we started to make our way down and bumped into Mickael and Sean, who had just arrived from their 4 day Inca Trail. They went up and we went down to the caves, wich were pretty dissapointing.. Well we only saw the Temple of the Moon and didn´t go much further because, well, we couldn´t walk anymore!! So we made our way back towards Machu Picchu ruins and along came running Mickael and Sean! With water!!
Back at the ruins, the guys went and did their own thing whilst Liv and I ate in the oh so expensive cafe! 46 soles! 46 soles (12 pounds) for a burger, coca-cola and ice cream!! I still choke a little when I think about it! But we were starving after that climb!
We then made our way back into the ruins which are absolutely amazing. It´s crazy when you think that this was built such a long time ago by the Incas and kept in such good shape! It is really beautiful! I took so many pictures and also the famous postcard picture was a must! Why does every one make fun of me for taking so many pictures!
We eventually, unwillingly, left Macchu Picchu at about 5 pm after 11 hours up there!!! We came back to Aguas Caliente, where it was pourring with rain and made our way to the hot baths, where we met Mickael and Sean again.
We just ate now (I hate the service in Peru, it´s so slow!) and are gonna go sleep because we are knackered!! And freezing!! We are all wet because of the rain, it´s so uncomfortable! I want to be in my bed, with a warm duvet, some hot socks, a nice movie and have mummy make me some yummy hot chocolate!! Is that too much to ask?
Tomorrow, we´re going back to Cuzco at 8.30 am and we´ll go to Arequipa Saturday night with the guys.

Nighty Night.. I´m going to go dream of living in Machu Picchu!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Cuzco to Pisac...

Last night, we ate Alpaca steak in Cuzco. It is very similar to beef actually and quite yummy!
I´ve had guinea pig, alpaca, what next?

This morning we made our way north of Cuzco by foot to visit the ruins. Our trek started off with a 100ft flight of stairs up to the road! We were so out of breath.. even walking up a small hill kills you!
The ruins were pretty impressive, nothing spectacular. I think we are too excited about Machu Picchu to appreciate anything else, to be honest! We got some pretty pictures and met some cool llamas or maybe they were alpacas. It was very funny, because I got close to one to take a picture and then Liv tried.. but he spat on her!!! We named him Maurice!
After the last ruin, we waited for a bus to take us up to Pisac, which never came, so we hitch hicked . Yes it was safe!
Pisac is a cute little town with a busy market on the main square. I bought a small silver pendant of Tumi. Google it! It is much more expensive than Cuzco though, funnily enough!
I´m trying to book the train from Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu for tomorrow night as well as a hostal for tomorrow night, so will update you soon!


Hier soir, on a mangé du Alpaca. Ca a pratiquement le meme gout que du boeuf, tres bon!
Alors, j´ai mangé du cochon d´inde, de l´alpaca, quoi encore?

Ce matin, on a visité les ruines au Nord de Cuzco. On a commencé notre marché avec des escaliers d´une centaines de metres de haut pour arriver a la route! Facile! On était tellement essouflée.. un tout petit effort fatigue trop ici!
Les ruines étaient intéressantes, rien de plus. Je pense qu´on est trop excitée pour le Machu Picchu pour apprecier les autres ruines! On a pris de belles photos et on a rencontré des llamas ou peut-etre c´étaient des alpacas. C´était assez drole, car je me suis approchée pour prendre une photo et apres Liv a essayé et il lui a craché dessus! On l´a nommé Maurice!
Apres les ruines, on a attendu le bus pour monter a Pisac, mais il n´est jamais venu. Donc on a fait du stop. Sans soucis!
Pisac est une belle petite ville avec un marché sur la place principale. J´ai acheté un petit pendentif en argent de Tumi. Google! C´est vachement plus cher ici comparé a Cuzco bizarrement.
Maintenant, j´essaye de reserver des places pour le train de Ollantaytambo a Aguas Caliente et un hostal pour demain soir, donc je vous laisse!
Bienvenu Eric, Stéphanie et les enfants! :)

Monday, 21 March 2011

Cuzco so far...

I have spent one day in Cuzco so far and love it! It is a beautiful city and so South American! By this I mean, it´s not like Lima for example which could be a city from anywhere in the world!
So first things first, we are staying in Loki Hostal or should I say Gringo Hostal! I have gringos coming out of my ears! We met some english guys at the bus terminal in Cuzco and shared a taxi to the hostal. They were from Tooting Bec, Chelsea and Scotland!! What a coincidence! Then, in the hostal, we met 2 guys from Slough. And THEN, I ran into Penny, a girl I worked with 4 years ago at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, and who lives down the road from me!! What a small world!!!
Today, Liv and I have been walking around Cuzco and the San Pedro Market. I was like a child in a sweet shop! I managed to buy many nice gifts!! But want to buy moree.....
We had lunch in the market too. We had rice, fried chicken, salad and Inka Cola! Not sure if I mentioned this drink yet, but it is yellow fizzy drink and tastes of bubblegum!
We still have lots to see in Cuzco like the Plaza de Armas and the churches around there, as well as the chocolate factory which Papa told me about!!!!
Tomorrow, we will visit some ruins around Cuzco: Sacsayhuaman, Qenko, Tambomachay and Puca Pucara. And I think we´ll stay in Pisac so that we have the whole of Wednesday to visit Pisac and Ollantaytambo.
Tonight, we are going to try to find a place where we can eat some alpaca!! :)


J´ai passé une journée a Cuzco et j´adore. C´est une tres belle ville et tres Sud Américaine. Je veux dire que c´est pas comme Lima par example qui pourait se trouvera dans n´importe quel pays du monde!
Alors, on reste dans l´hostal Loki ou devrait-je dire Gringo Hostal! Il y a que des blancs! Ca fait longtemps que je n´en avait pas vu! Ca me fait bizarre!! :) On a rencontré des anglais, dont 2 de Londres. Et j´ai rencontré une fille, Penny, avec qui j´ai travaillé a Londres il y a 4 ans de ca!! Que le monde est petit!
Aujourd´hui, Liv et moi on s´est baladé en ville et dans le marché de San Pedro, oú je me sentais comme une gosse dans un magasin de bonbons. J´ai acheté pleins de jolies choses, mais je veux plusss .....
On a mangé dans le marché aussi. On a mangé du riz, du poulet frit, de la salade et du Inka Cola! Je ne sais plus si j´en avais déjá parlé mais c´est une boisson gazeuse jaune qui a le gout du ´bubblegum´!
On a encore beaucoup a voir, comme la Plaza de Armas et les églises autour, ainsi que l´usine de chocolat, dont Papa m´a parlé!!!
Demain, on va visité les ruines autour de Cuzco: Sacsayhuaman, Qenko, Tambomachay and Puca Pucara. Et je pense qu´on passera la nuit a Pisac, comme ca on a toute la journée de Mercredi pour visiter Pisac et Ollantaytambo.
Ce soir, on va essayé de trouver un endroit ou on pourra manger du alpaca!! :)

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Landslides, altitude, nothing phases me ...

I am in Cuzco! And high on altitude! I am currently in Loki Hostal enjoying a Coca tea. Supposedly, it helps with the altitude.
So we left sunny Huacachina yesterday around 5pm, for our 6pm bus which only arrived at 6.45! This is the first time I experience delays in South America!
Guess what I ate on the bus? Take a wild guess.. No, give up! Goodm you should! I had rice, chicken and... oh my godm YUCCA!! Yucca!! Yucca!! I am being haunted!! I obviously had to eat though as I miss Arutam and it made me feel better!!
The bus ride was not too bad, we watched Fireproof last night then slept. At 4 am, the bus driver parked up and didn´t leave again until 7am, when we found out that he wasn´t just taking a nap, there had actually been a landslide in the road ahead and they had been clearing the rocks!! We got out of the bus to see what was happening and realised there was a mile long queue of buses and cars and indeed up ahead the whole side of the mountain had crumbled down!! We were on our way at about 7.30 am.
It must have rained alot recently (it is rainy season) because about 2 or 3 times along the way mini rivers had formed accross the road!!
We arrived in Cusco at around 2.30 pm, only 2 and half hours late which isn´t too bad.
Tomorrowm we plan on visiting Cusco. Tuesday, we´ll visit a few ruins around Cuzco. Wednesday, we´ll make our way to Pisac, Ollantaytambo and spend the night in Aguas Caliente. And Thursday we´ll do Machu Picchu and Waynu Picchu!!!!
I´m so excited!

Saturday, 19 March 2011


Lima to Huacachina

Lima to Huacachina

Lima to Huacachina, sunset

Lima to Huacachina, sunset

Lima to Huacachina, pretty sky at sunset


Panoramic view of the Huacachina Laguna


Me in the pool, before becoming a lobster

Liv, Mickael, Sean and I

Me in Huacachina

Huacachina Laguna

Panoramic view of the Huacachina Laguna


Liv and Patrick

Patrick who casually walked around the hostal garden

Our very hippy syle hostal restaurant
Me & Liv

Sand Buggy

Me & board

Sand boarder!!!


Sand dunes !!

Panoramic view of Huacachina and Ica



