Before I tell about Puno and the Lake Titicaca, let me tell you about the rest of our time in Arequipa.
I think I stopped the last post because I was being dragged into playing some more giant jenga! I lost and had to pay for my shots! 30 soles! Ai Ai Ai! I played again but luckily didn't loose, I was praying someone else would drop the tower and my prayers were answered!
Then I went into the room and hid in Liv´s top bunk bed because I didn´t want to drink anymore! Lol. Sean came in at one point and believed Liv when she told him Michael´s backpack I had hidden in his bed was me! And then Michael came in, the one I was hiding from, and found me, and dragged me back out! I didn´t drink anymore though, we just all got into the very cold hot tub! Hmmm.. maybe that´s why I´m sick!
The next morning, we caught a bus to Puno at 11 am and got ripped off 20 soles each by bying our tickets in town at a travel agents! We arrived in Puno after a very uncomfortable and hot bus ride. I started feeling sick in the bus and still feel sick today (friday).. My sinuses are really hurting and my head too! It could just be the altitude.
Puno isn´t a very nice city, it reminded me of the north of Peru and Ecuadorm because the buildings are really run down and unfinished. We were all pretty knackered so we ordered pizza into our hostel and watched a movie. The next morning we were picked up by our tour guide at 9am and taken to the port to go to the floating islands. They are really pretty, made from reeds. But we were wondering if it isn´t all for show for the tourists and if the people really live in those mini huts and dress the way they do. We were taken into their huts and tried on their clothes too, it was really funny! I´ll have to upload pictures when I find the time.
We then made our way back to Puno at lunch time and got a bus to Copacabana, Bolivia!
What do you mean by floating islands?