Monday, 9 May 2011

Glaciar Perito Moreno and riding Argentinian motorways

So Saturday we spent the day at the Perito Moreno Glaciar just outside of El Calafate, which is 5 km wide and 75 metres high! Pretty big! We had to pay 100 pesos just to enter into the National Park, we then drove torwards where the glaciar is through the snowy winding roads. It was very pretty. Once there, there are many walk ways you can walk along to view the glaciar. Unfortunately, we didn´t see any chunks of ice fall into the lake but we did hear the ice roar a few times. Quite impressive! As we walked along and admired the view, Liv tried to fly but failed, we ate snow because we were firsty and we tried to take a jumping picture with the camera on a timer. A passing couple felt sorry for us and offered to take a picture of us jumping, which was more successful!
We spent another night in El Calafate and left Sunday at around midday. There was no way we were taking Route 40 back up to Bariloche, so we started out on that road but then headed off towards Rio Gallegos and Route 3, up to Rivadavia and then Bariloche. We took the famous Route 40 pictures (with the Route 40 sign) and a successful jumping picture on timer! The road was paved all the way and apparently the motorway but it was more like a paved two way country road. It was very windy too and every time we passed a truck, the car shook quite a lot! The ride up was pretty uneventful in comparison to the ride down. But I think we are all quite thankful for that... We told each other scary stories. Michael told me a bed time story. And we arrived back in Bariloche at about midday. Record time! It took us 24 hours to do about 2000 km!
Now I´m going to go eat (again), have a nap and then we have to finish cleaning the tar off the side of the car before we return it tomorrow morning! Ai Ai Ai!


Alors Samedi on a passé la journée a admirer le Glacier Perito Moreno, juste en dehors de El Calafate, qui fait 5 km de largeur et 75 metres en hauteur! L´entrée au Parque Nacional était de 100 pesos, on a conduit vers le glacier dans les routes des collines enneigées. C´était tres jolie! Une fois arrivé, il y a plusieurs balcons et passages pour admirer le glacier. Malheureusement, on n´a pas pu voir de morceau de glace tomber dans le lac, mais on a entendu plusieurs fois la glace grognée. Impressionant! En marchant le long des trottoirs, Liv a essayé de voler mais n´a pas réussi, on a mangé de la neige parce qu´on avait soif et on a essayé de prendre une photo de nous entrain de sauter, en mettant la minuterie sur l´appareil photo. Un couple nous a vu et a offert de prendre la photo!
On a passé une autre nuit a El Calafate et on est parti Dimanche vers midi. Il n´y avait pas moyen qu´on reprenne la Route 40, donc on a pris la route en direction de Rio Gallegos, puis la Route 3 a Rivadavia, puis Bariloche. On a pris les fameuses photos de la Route 40 (avec le panneau de la route) et on a réussi a prendre une belle photo de nous entrain de sauter! La route était goudronnée tout le long, apparement c´est l´autouroute mais on dirait plutot une route nationale. Il y avait beaucoup de vent donc a chaque fois qu´un camion passait, la voiture tremblait! On s´est raconté des histoires qui font peur et Michael m´a raconté une histoire pour que je m´endorme. On est arrivé a Bariloche aujourd´hui vers midi. Seulement 24 heures pour environ 2000 km!
Maintenant, je vais manger (encore), faire une sieste et apres il faut relaver la voiture pour enlever les restes de goudrons du coté de la voiture avant qu´on la rende demain matin! Ai Ai Ai!


  1. tu as l'air de bien en profiter ! je t'embrasse ! ^rends soin de toi

  2. Jenny first? Is it bank holiday in France??
    Pleased that you are back in one piece...quite a lot of driving in a short time!
    Make sure that you find a nice steakhouse and post the latest pictures. Then tell us what is next...
    Bisous xxxxxxx

  3. Papa, Part deux.9 May 2011 at 20:05

    ...Just checked San Carlos de Bariloche on Wiki...What an exciting place: History, architecture, geography, activities,etc.,etc...and a cathedral that looks like a christmas card!! Certainly worth spending a few days exploring.. and hunting the last few war criminal that may still be hiding there!

  4. U forgot to say when we were in El Calafate, we were meant to pick up our laundry at 7pm but lleft it till 8.10 pm not realisin it closed at 8pm and was closed on sunday. so we asked aroundd the shops if they knew the guy who works there and after abt 30min we finally managed to find someone who knew his number..and he came to open the store for us! argentinians are so helpfull! back home you would be told to stuff ur laundry where the sun doesnt shine!! hihi

  5. didn't know that ice could raw!!
